Homestead can be done by anyone anywhere

What are the images that come to mind when you hear the word homestead? The truth is there are many ideas and images that come up when one hears the word homestead.

I know for myself prior to moving to my homestead, the idea I had in my head was acres and acres of land in the country with a sweet little chicken coop, garden, and barn. I have those things now, and it’s made me realize that ‘homesteading’ is so much more than just the outbuildings or animals that are kept. To me, homesteading is also very much about all the things that can be done in and out of the home to create the reflection of the quality of life that you envision for yourself.

This is why homesteading activities can be done by anyone, anywhere. Do you like to cook with fresh herbs but are living in an apartment? Growing herbs in pots, window sills, or balconies can be done year-round.

Enjoy small-batch, hand-crafted soap that is made with all-natural ingredients. It’s easy to do in any kitchen with oils found at the grocery store. Not only can you make your own soap but give it as gifts too! Have a small yard? Some large pots/buckets or small raised beds, and you can start growing a few of your favorite vegetables. Cook most of your food from scratch ingredients, make your own cleaning products, shut off all electronics and read a book by candlelight.

My personal definition of ‘homesteading’ has changed over time, but I know there’s a desire by many people to have the ‘homesteading’ lifestyle as they envision. But I have also witnessed people feel stuck or inadequate because they don’t live on a large swath of land in the country.

What I hope to do over the next few posts is to provide some inspiration to start doing some of the typical ‘homesteading’ activities that anyone could do, regardless of how young or old, urban or suburban, familiar or unfamiliar with the ideas one is. And most of these don’t require lots of expensive equipment or supplies.

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