Bullying, Cyberbullying

-What does your child need to know about relationships and friends?

-What have you shared with your child about self-love, respect for others, and respect for themselves?

-Do they know what bullying means?

-Do they understand what cyberbullying is?

-Do they know what a toxic relationship is?

-Do they know what they should expect for themselves and when they should end a relationship or friendship?

-How can you help your child in these situations?

-How do you know if your child is experiencing this?

-What are the signs?

Here is a worksheet that you can share with your child and start the discussions.

Worksheets can be printed by right-clicking and choosing print and can also be viewed and printed from the worksheet menu. Once you hit submit, your completed worksheets will be displayed, you can right-click and print your completed submissions.


To My Daughter:

You are so amazing. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. I am so proud of all you are and all you will become. Please don’t settle for just any friend or relationship. Don’t accept friends because they are popular or because you feel pressured to, don’t settle for anything less than what you want and deserve.
Find that person who speaks to you kindly, who disagrees with you but respects your opinion, grows you, and challenges you but does not discount your feelings or dreams. Find the person who cheers for you and celebrates your successes. Find the person who does not try to overshadow your accomplishments or drama with their own. Find that person who excites you, who you want to learn everything about, who you want to share everything with, who you want to hang out with every day and talk to every night.
Find that person who is willing to give you their time, and you are eager to give your time too; no TV, no social media, no outside influences, just you, them, and everything in between.

Below is an interview with my daughter on bullying, cyberbullying, toxic relationships, and respect.

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