Pressure, manipulation, exclusion, persistent bullying, and teasing are signs of an unhealthy relationship.

How can you handle this? How do you know if this is occurring?

People quit teams, jobs, activities, and school for many reasons, lack of interest, growth opportunities, insecurities, fear, and toxic environments.

I often see people quit things they enjoy doing due to the environment or people around them. I have seen people leave teams due to peers making them feel inadequate, worthless, uncoordinated, or unqualified. They demonstrate this by teasing, joking, condensing remarks, or excluding them together. I have seen employees quit their jobs due to peer bullying, exclusion from office activities, and unwillingness to mentor or participate in their growth. The unfortunate thing is these employees never speak up in fear of retaliation.

I have watched children being bullied online and in school. These children are body shamed, teased, manipulated, controlled, and excluded from activities while their friends are included. I have heard these children say they have reported this to teachers, office staff, and online support for social media sites or online game sites, with no action being taken.

My daughter has been in dance since she was two years old. While she had made many friends in this class., there was one friend, in particular, she hit it off right away with. This friend, for whatever reason, quit and continually made my daughter feel bad for continuing in the dance program and recitals until she finally left. Upon asking my daughter why she stopped, she responded, “I don’t like dance anymore.” After many conversations, I learned that this particular friend had made my daughter feel bad about many things, not just dance.





Coping with Bullying | SkillsYouNeed

4 Traits That Help Kids Cope with Bullying (verywellfamily.com)


Toxic Environments

7 Tips for Dealing with a Toxic Work Environment – PureWow

Signs You’re in a Toxic Work Environment & How to Handle It | TopResume


Video: Survival Tips for Toxic Environment









Toxic Environment / Relationships



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