Strong-Willed Daughter

Strong-willed and stubborn, selfish but giving, outgoing, opinionated, and outspoken; how could you to why didn’t you, dramatic, emotional, sensitive, big heart, big hugs, and butterfly kisses, intelligent and witty, fun-loving and kind-hearted, no and never to thank you and I love you, cuddles and snuggles, sassy and classy. Sound familiar?

The Strong-Willed Daughter

I dreamed of what my life would be like from a young age. Would I be married, would I have kids, what if I had a daughter? I knew I would raise her much differently; I would be more of her friend; we would be super close and share endless nights laying in bed telling secrets. I imagined lots of hugs and kisses, braids and bows, dresses and heels, manicures, pedicures, cuddles, and kisses. Don’t get me wrong, many of those things exist today, but there is a whole different reality that I didn’t consider.
Raising a daughter today can be challenging and scary; social media, bullying, school shootings, an overall lack of understanding of what our children face in school and online. Concerns that people will judge or try to tame her, her peers will bully her for saying what she feels and thinks.
How do I foster these leadership qualities (yes, leadership) that she demonstrates? How do I support her and her opinions, while opinions are frowned upon in the world today? As a mom of 4 adult boys, these were not concerns we had to deal with when they were children.

Amazing Wonderful You

My sweet girl, from the moment you refused to leave the womb, I knew that you were going to be strong, stubborn, and would hold onto life with all that you have. I knew that no one or nothing would stop you from what you wanted or what you could be.
When you began to talk and to walk, you always spoke what was on your mind and you always let your feet take you to exactly what you wanted.
You started dancing and you fell, you didn’t let that stop you, you turned the music up louder and dance harder, always trying to be better than you were before.
When you started making friends, you were the strong one, the one making the choices but also the kind one, helping them if they didn’t succeed, helping them if they fell, sitting with them when they cried, not letting the bullies get to them.
When you know something is not right, you don’t hesitate, you speak up, speak your mind, you don’t back down.
You are everything amazing and wonderful. Never stop being you.

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