Where Do you get your strength from?

Today, like any other day, started rather routine. My alarm goes off, I roll out of bed, turn on the coffee pot, get ready for my first job, then wouldn’t you know, I lose power to my computer, I quickly find an extension cord to finish teaching my classes and two short hours later, I am ready to start getting prepared for my full-time job. Then I quickly realize, that half my house is without power! I wait for my husband to come down. I ask him to check the breakers; he does and states everything is fine. I state everything can’t be fine because we have numerous outlets out around the house, needless to say, after another spat, I find myself feeling beyond the state of repair with this man. We always bicker over the stupidest things. Then I hear, that little voice coming down the stairs, mommy, you are still here! I smile beyond my frustration and give this beautiful little girl a hug and remember, this is why I do what I do.

I have been through a divorce with kids; we have mine, yours and ours. I never want to put any of the kids through another divorce; it is tough on everyone involved.  Honestly, he was not a good ex, and that honestly scares me.

Where do I get my strength, well for today, it was my daughter.

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