Your Journey

My sweet girl, there is a struggle and it is real. You may face it with friends, family, or the love of your life. It is knowing when one story ends and another begins.

Listen to the voice, the voice you bury because you do not want to hear what it has to say. Its words of warning, wisdom, direction, the voice that guides you with what you already know, not what you feel. Listen to the whispers, and they will keep you safe; they will keep the light shining around you like a gentle breeze, pushing you onto the right path.
It may be hard at times, but the whispers know the actual pain, the real hurt, the true love, the right path; it is your intuition; listen to it. It will never steer you wrong, for my little one, those are the words of wisdom that you carry with you. The words that have felt and seen the hurt and pain of others, that have seen the joy and happiness of those close to you, it carries the truth of right and wrong, it is more knowledgeable than you know, and it brings a strength of its own that cannot be broken.

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